Les Cinq Soleils - War of the Governors

A bunch of exceeded sailors embrace the life of pirates, as their fellow rogues attract the attention of powerful Governors of the New World.

Official campaign for Pavillon Noir, only the first part of this long and epic story was released. The PCs start off as simple sailors and turn pirates by necessity. The story is set in 1718, and allows players to meet the most famous individuals that plagues the seas at that time.

We stopped our adventure at the very last scenario, as scheduling sessions was becoming too much of a hassle for me. Yet while it did not end properly, our ~30 sessions were most appreciated, thanks to the high quality of the script provided by the author. Can't wait for the second part to be released
 if it is ever released.

Game(s) / Universe(s)
Pavillon Noir - 1st
Pavillon Noir
Misc information
Publication Status
𓃱𓃡𓃣 Pierre
Start date
End date