Les Masques de Nyarlathotep

A veritable line of investigators sets out in pursuit of cultists who want to destroy the world.
The PCs befriend with a deity.

The PCs meet Janwillem Vanheuvelen, a Dutch archeologist who was driven away from the Clive Expedition. The PCs offer their help in translating an Egyptian text he found in nearby ruins. Yet the ruins were watched by Bast herself, and Vanheuvelen is now enduring her curse. Unwilling to meddle with a god, the PCs force the Dutch archeologist to return the stolen text, hoping that the feline goddess will approve. Meanwhile, they also study the documents found in the Bent Pyramid and piece them out together: the the great ritual foreshadowing the end of the world will take place during the next total eclipse on January 14th, 1926.

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𓃱𓃡𓃣 Pierre
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