Tianxia - All Under the Heavens

A life-long campaign leading a group of Wuxia through the turmoil of the Warring Kingdoms, until their final unification

As the final years of the Warring Kingdoms approach, the Zhongguo undergoes significant changes under the pressure of an ambitious ruler. That man wanted to be remembered as "Shi Huangdi", the First August Emperor. The tale of his conquest, his cruelty and his madness still fascinates today.

Taking advantage of the numerous gaps in the historians' knowledge of the era, this campaign propels the PCs at the first ranks of this History-defining adventure.

Our campaign was spiced up a bit with roughly half of custom material, but this material was directly inspired by the main plot. There is a lot for the PCs to build and explore in the tumultuous last years of the Warring Kingdoms!

Chapter 1, sessions 1 to 8: Preamble

Young and innocent, our PCs are brought into the spiral of the Qin's politics by the most unlikely turns of events.

Chapter 2, sessions 9 to 35: White Tiger of the West

Enrolled into the Qin Censorate, the PCs get to know the King of Qin personally, and reluctantly bond with the unstable yet still likeable monarch. They help him bring decisive advantages to the Qin in its conquest of the Zhongguo, and are condemned to death just in the wake of its first Conquest. Luckily for the PCs, the King, overly attached to them, allow them to leave under the cover of the night.

Chapter 3, sessions 36 to 42: Black Turtle of the North

The PCs reunite in Handang, the Capital of Zhao, as it is assaulted by the Qin Kingdom with the very assets they brought to it. They are enlisted by a Zhao Prince, who turns out to be mischievous and oddly versed in the esoteric arts. Faced with the fall of Handang, the PCs and the Prince flee to the fortified city of Dai, and build a makeshift Kingdom from there. By an unlikely turn of events, the Prince - meant to become King of Dai - and Sun Keng Wai exchange bodies, and the soldier finally realizes his dream of becoming a King. From there, the group learns of the true threat behind most events in Zhongguo and attempts to strike deals with the neighbor kingdoms.

Chapter 4, sessions 43 to 61: Red Phoenix of the South

The PCs seek to keep their independence from Qin, while having their own Kingdom prosper. They also seek to undermine the influence of the Sect of the Bent Sky, and are forced to participate in the defense of Chu against Qin. Finally, the PCs gather all their strengths and lead an army in the recently conquered territories to deal a fatal blow to the Sect, liberating the Zhongguo from its influence. That last, exhausting move proves to be too much for the Dai Kingdom, which soon starts to crumble.

Chapter 5, sessions 62 to 66: Yellow Kirin of the Center

The PCs literally go through hell and beyond, bringing back a former opponent to understand yet another mystery about the Zhongguo: the Kingdoms are dominated by immortal dragons, and they all seek to devour each other in order to be reunited into one powerful entity. This feat can only be durable in the Heavens endorse it, and the Celestial Mandate is the key to their approval. As the Kingdom of Dai is no more, the PCs take the road again and gather the necessary artifacts to invoke the Celestial Mandate. It is, however, destroyed in a cataclysmic battle by their former ally. Without the Will of the Heavens to guide humans, the Zhongguo is meant to burn in war. The PCs manage to convince the all powerful Qin Dragon to unite the Zhongguo, albeit temporarily, and search for a way to restore the Celestial Mandate afterwards. Doing so, they offer an Empire to the King of Qin, who gleefully accepts them back into his ranks.

Chapter 6, sessions 67: Green Dragon of the East

Ten years later, disillusioned PCs fight with their old nemeses and defeat them once and for all, Emperor included, allowing the Celestial Mandate to fall into the hands of the most unlikely individual.

Game(s) / Universe(s)
Qin - les Royaumes Combattants - 1st
Misc information
Publication Status
𓃢𓃡𓃣 Pierre
Start date
End date