
Kafey Abdala

A racist, crafty and insidious scoundrel turned into a Magnat of the Industry on Coruscant, in the Star Wars universe.

Born in Corfai, Kafey was a crafty scoundrel with a gift for numbers and xeno-biology. Excluded from Corulag Academy after his supervisor found out about his smuggling, he went on his own, founded Abdala Grocery on his native world of Corfai and then moved to Coruscant in 30 BBY. Deeply convinced that Humanity was genetically superior, Kafey joined the pro-Human Commission for the Protection of the Republic and became a strong supporter of Surpeme Chancellor Palpatine.

From 22 BBY to 19 BBY, Kafey took advantge of the Clone Wars : he led a few smuggling missions and concluded several contracts with different groups which provided him with a considerable wealth. Those groups include Black Sun, Hutt Cartel and different branches of what would become the Galactic Empire. He met his wife, Vanya Garvik, in 20 BBY, founded the Abdala Clinic on Coruscant the year later and both gave birth to Aromée end of 19 BBY, shortly after Palpatine came to power.

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Evil CEO
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𓃢𓃡𓃣 Pierre
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Quite a few times
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