
Liu "The Butcher" Bang

A memorable NPC, played as a PC a few times, Liu Bang is a personal interpretation of the "Rogue" Founder of the Han Dynasty

The historical character was born around the end of the Warring States era, from a peasant family. He enlisted in the army and, at some point in his career, was tasked with bringing a group of prisoners to a city. Being drunk as hell, he couldn't prevent the prisoners to escape, but these were soon assaulted by a "mythical giant serpent" that Liu Bang managed to defeat. Being doomed to execution if he would go back to the Empire, he decided to take the lead of the escaped prisoners and turned to banditry.

Years later, as the Qin Empire was collapsing, Bang and his wife led a rebel army to Xianyang, the Capital of the Empire. There, he went through all defenses unhindered, as the Capital was already besieged by the Rebel Hero Xiang Yu. He tried to strike a deal with the last Emperor (actually King) of Qin for the surrender of the Empire, but Xiang Yu burst in, executed many, and burnt important parts of the city to the ground (including the Forbidden Library). The following years saw Xiang Yu's political incompetence turn warlord against each other, until only Liu Bang and Xiang Yu remained. While the latter was an extraordinary leader, Bang had equally amazing allies and an unmatched political acumen. This allowed him to defeat Xiang Yu and the Kingdom of Chu, to unite the Zhongguo once more, beginning the Han Dynasty.

A man from humble origin, the Emperor Gaozu stroke the right balance between the efficiency of the Qin bureaucracy, and a much larger freedom offered to the people. His was the opening reign of a golden age for Ancient China, that lasted for 500 years.

Liu Bang and the bāshé
Liu Bang and the bāshé

In our campaign, Liu Bang turned out to be a bit older than in History. He was working as a young soldier for the Chu Kingdom, and had to lead a group of prisoners through some murky, cursed swamps. There he met his cousin Liu Mei Shan and her fellow "Butchers of Quzhi", who proved a great deal of help in his adventure: learning that the source of the curse was none other than his own dead father, he confronted both him and the giant bāshé. With the help of the Butchers of Quzhi, he managed to protect escapees, refugees and many others.

From that point on, his story rejoins his Historical counterpart until 15 years later. Many twists of fate decided that our Liu Bang would lose pretty much all support he had gained so far, until the Heavens sent him a message under the shape of Sun Keng Wai, one of Butchers of Quzhi. The man offered him the Celestial Mandate in exchange for his cooperation in the future. How Liu Bang came to be the Emperor Gaozu is a story that still remains to be told…

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Peasant made Emperor
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𓃢𓃡𓃣 Pierre
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