
Liu "The Butcher" Bang

A memorable NPC, played as a PC a few times, Liu Bang is a personal interpretation of the "Rogue" Founder of the Han Dynasty

It was Year 2007 and the world was still innocent, unaware of the financial crisis, and also that a Mangled Apricot would rule the United States ten years later. Back then, unruly, obnoxious assholes were still cool, and among my favorites was the portrayal of Steven Seagull Seagal by Mad TV.

Mangled Apricot
Back then, we wouldn't have believed it. Nowadays, that Liu Bang character might relate to much to the Mangled Apricot to be fun anymore.

It also happened that a character of my Qin campaign had the "Liu" surname. As I was trying to link the PCs to eminent characters of the Warring States era, it turned out that Liu Bang was an excellent choice. Indeed, the founder of the Han Dynasty is no short of interesting adventures to recount, and most of them highlighted his roguish nature. It didn't take long before I stitched together the Mad TV's Steven and the roguish Liu Bang together to create this odd, counter-nature NPC that got a lot of laughs from our group.

On premDAT, Liu Bang is actually testing the limits of our dimensions. He's the typical "idiot genius", acting and looking dumb, but actually succeeding at pretty much everything he does in his life.

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Peasant made Emperor
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Chosen once as favorite
Frequence of play
Very few times
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