Orestes Andronovitch
A hulk of a man, with fists big as ham, cropped hair and a full beard. Has a weird habit of always speaking from himself at the third person.
- A marine carpenter originated from Saint Petersbourg. Left it after having pushed some upstart officer into the Neva. After some times, he finally joined Charles Vane's pirates. He was then given the order to infiltrate some other ship's crew from a convoy, in order to encourage mutiny aboard, for when the time would be right for Vane's own crew to come around. He sympathized with some of the mates there, until Vane finally showed up, damaged the ship on which was Orestes, and left with the other conveyed ship, leaving Orestes and his new friends deriving on the sea.
- From there, the crew having committed mutiny and still having to deal with the marine guards, had not much choice. Orestes supported the idea of becoming pirates, which they became. There he himself after a short time applied for the chief gunner station, which he obtained.
- And there they went, roaming the seas, chasing loot as well as Charles Vane, to get their revenge. Orestes first among the others, hold a grudge against his former captain, leading him among other things to assault some former mates (from the time he was still under Vane's orders), where he could have maybe negotiated a quieter way…
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Chief gunner
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